Roanoke Animal Hospital TX

We are GOLD Status!
The American Association of Feline Practitioners
We have been certified by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) to be a Cat Friendly Practice (CFP). This means that we have implemented special feline-friendly standards to help decrease stress for your cat while visiting. Roanoake Animal Hospital not only received this accreditation, but we went above and beyond and received GOLD status!
We have a Cat's Only room, we keep special pheromone spray to help your cat relax while being examined and have special guidelines for the staff when handling your cat. We even have a Cat's Only boarding room and offer feline grooming. We strive to do everything we can to help insure your cat has an enjoyable visit.
Client Testimonials & Reviews
We at Roanoke Animal Hospital value feedback from our clients. Here is just a small sample of the hundreds of happy and healthy pets that we have cared for since 1996.